Who Do You Say That I Am? on January 31, 2013 Christianity Jesus Christ +2 sin and the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of God is at hand Understanding Christianity Christianity Jesus Christ sin and the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of God is at hand Understanding Christianity
Lord, When Did We See You on January 30, 2013 Christian living Christian service Matthew 25: 31-46 + when did we see you Christian living Christian service Matthew 25: 31-46 when did we see you
The Seduction of Sin on January 28, 2013 sin and death sin and salvation + the Good News and the Gospel sin and death sin and salvation the Good News and the Gospel
Preparing for the Sabbath on January 25, 2013 10 commandments enter into my rest + Keep Holy the Sabbath Day 10 commandments enter into my rest Keep Holy the Sabbath Day
Does the Existence of Evil Truly Disprove God's Existence? on January 18, 2013 the existence of evil and proof of God + why god allows evil the existence of evil and proof of God why god allows evil
How can we fight this? on January 15, 2013 2nd amendment rights fighting with faith gun control + gun ownership 2nd amendment rights fighting with faith gun control gun ownership
Will you follow Him? on January 14, 2013 called by Jesus following Christ +0 Mark 1:20 called by Jesus following Christ Mark 1:20
How God Answers Our Prayers on January 10, 2013 God answers prayer + why doesn't God answer me God answers prayer why doesn't God answer me
Little Red Riding Hood: A Very Catholic Fairy Tale on January 05, 2013 catholic faith Catholic fiction Catholic stories + Little Red Riding Hood catholic faith Catholic fiction Catholic stories Little Red Riding Hood
Happy New Years! on January 01, 2013 Mother of God New Year's Day + Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God New Year's Day Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary