Calling Down the Holy Spirit

Lord Jesus Christ, I lift up to the foot of your cross every soul in my path whose life is filled with anxiety, with fear, with worry, with guilt, with regret, and with pain.  I ask that you bless these souls and that you flood them with an indwelling of your Most Holy Spirit.  I ask that you bring to them peace that the world cannot give, joy that surpasses all understanding, and a sense of security that comes from knowing they are in the palm of their Father's hands and they cannot be moved.

Lord, I ask that you may grant them the knowledge of just how much you love them, and how much you long for them to come to you and to love you in return.  I ask that you inspire them with a flood of the creativity which flows from you and that through it you speak the words that others need to hear. I ask that you flood these souls with your love so that they may experience it today in a very real and very tangible way.  I ask that you use that love to motivate them to love those around them who have no one to love them.

Lord, I am asking this not for my own sake but for the sake of those who struggle, who need encouragement, whose hearts and souls are weary with the weight of burdens they can no longer carry.  I ask that you make me an instrument of delivering your love and your compassion and your concern for these souls. I ask that you lift up these souls to me and make them known to me so that I may serve them, and serve them well.  Lord, it is only in the serving of others that I know I will find my greatest hopes and joys fulfilled.  May I be your servant true.

Holy Spirit, you are the paraclete, the great Intercessor, the Advocate for all mankind. Help me to listen for and to hear your voice today so that I may speak your words to the hearts and minds of those who most need to hear them.  Use me as your vessel, to write, to speak, to sing your praise and to share the love that you have with others. May your inspirations be my guide, may your courage be with me, and may your passion for the lost and forsaken become my own.

May the guilty know that you do not desire their guilt any longer. You have no need for them to carry that burden.  They may leave that guilt in your capable hands and walk free of its burden.  They have only to ask for your forgiveness, to seek to set right what has been done wrong, and to continue on their path having grown the wiser for their experience.

May those in pain know that you hear their pleas for relief and that you are right now working this for their good, a good which will be worth every instance of suffering they have undergone. May they be strengthened and reminded that the pain is not a sign that God does not love them, but a sign that God is right now working to make changes in their lives much as a surgeon must cut to remove what is harmful in one's body.  The pain is a side effect of the work you are doing to heal them, and you will only allow them as much pain as is strictly necessary for the cure to be effected. May they feel your presence with them, may they know your comfort and your compassion, and may they be assured that the day will come when there will be no more pain and suffering, only joy and jubilation.

May those who are right now caught in the trap of worry be set free, for you are the Creator of all and there is nothing which happens that you do not know about and which you do not have under your control. May they be reminded that there is not a single hair on their head that you have not counted, and that the Lord knows when a single sparrow falls from the sky and they are worth much more than a sparrow.  May they know the peace that the world cannot give, and be filled with a spirit of courage.

I ask all of this in the power of your most Holy and Sacred Name, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
