Selling God: Enter Their World

For you to be able to speak to your audience in a way that makes sense to them, you need to enter their world. You need to put yourself in their shoes and remind yourself of what it was like to be there. And this, again, goes back to your story.

Think about where you were when you first encountered the situation that eventually led you to the solution. What was the biggest challenge you faced at that point in your life? What were your worries, your concerns, and your frustrations with the situation? What did you think you needed in order to resolve the problems? What did you see as the source of your problems?

This takes effort. It’s not easy to go back and remember all of the things you were thinking and feeling in that past moment. Honestly, most of us get past the moment, push it to the back of our minds, and lock it away so we don’t HAVE to feel it again. But if you want to reach out to your prospect and connect with them, you have to go right back to where it all began for you and remember what that was like.

And, moreover, you need to do it from the perspective of where you are now. You need to look at the situation objectively, and re-examine every detail based on what you know today. Take a look at the people in your life and how you behaved toward them, the way you reacted and responded to things that happened to you, and how you made decisions.

Your prospect isn’t going to be exactly like you, but they are going to be enough like you that when you start sharing your story with them, it’s going to feel authentic and they will easily be able to see themselves in that story. The feelings you had back then are a good starting point to understanding the feelings they are having right now. Experience will help you fine tune your message.

Take a look in the mirror at that stage of your journey. How did you see yourself? How did you see people who are where you are now? Did you want to be where they were? If you did, what did you think it took to get there? If you didn’t, what was it about them that made you not want to be part of them?

What were the things that mattered most to you in life at that stage? What did you spend most of your free time doing? Why? What mattered least to you? Why did you not care about those things? Why didn’t you think they mattered?

What were your greatest hopes and ambitions? Why did you want those things? What did you think it would change about your life if you achieved them?

What beliefs did you have about the solution you offer back then? Did it exist and did you know it existed? Had you tried it before and found it lacking? Did you know anyone using that solution? 

What was your experience with those people and how did that impact your views on the solution?

All of this is relevant. All of this paints a before picture very clearly in the mind of your prospect and sets them up for the next stage: creating the comparison.

Tomorrow's Post: Create the Comparison

Now that you have given them validation and shown them that you understand where they are, it's time to show them where they can go. Come back tomorrow for the next lesson in selling God: creating the comparison.

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